The Turtle Who Was A Boy – a Kickstarter project

I just posted information (scroll down to previous post) about a great initiative to assist talented artists get their project funded, and ‘out into the light’ – via

Therefore, thought it a great idea to find out about a current project seeking funding.

So please welcome Martin Kanshige, who refers to himself as an aspiring children’s book illustrator/writer.  Martin’s children’s story, The Turtle Who Was a Boy,  has a lovely message.

Welcome Martin.

Thanks Helen, for giving me the opportunity to talk about my project and aspirations.

My pleasure. It is always great to find out about such wonderful initiatives giving talented artists the opportunity to get their projects funded and ‘out there’.

Martin, please tell us about your children’s story, The Turtle Who Was A Boy.

Sheldon is an orphan who struggled to find a place he could call his ‘home,’ until a school lesson opens up a new world of possibilities. He decides that the life of a turtle is much more enjoyable than one of a boy. With needle and thread in hand he sets about to make his new life a reality.

It is an imaginative story that tries to show a child to explore one’s own creativity and encourage him/her to create his/her own place in the world.

Martin, what was the inspiration behind this story?

The birth of this story comes from my experience of being a father. When I first saw my son he reminded me of a turtle. And as time progressed, I began to think about what it is to be a child and how much we expect from our children. And in the light of my parental fears and standards I hold for my kids, it began to dawn on me that a simple animal enjoys life more than we allow ourselves and our children. This book tries to capture the wonderful journey through imagination and fantasy to a place that both a parent and child can enjoy simply for the sake of fun.

Why did you decide to promote your project on

Funding will go towards the illustrating, publishing, and merchandising of The Turtle Who Was A Boy. This is a labor of love and I have many ideas on how to expand on this story and new ways to bring it to life. The rewards I have created are just a sample of how I would like to expand this story to new avenues and bring this project to fruition.

Your illustrations are just lovely.

Thank you, Helen. I am a simple illustrator pursuing his dream of making meaningful stories for every child. I have written this story and am in the process of illustrating it as well.

And you are very modest. Martin, thank you so much for sharing, and we wish you every success.

Please click the links provided to see Martin’s works in progress as he develops this inspirational story – instilling in children a sense of independence and wonder.

More information at:

And if you wish to pledge to see Martin’s project get ‘the green light’, please click on:   BUT HURRY!!!

This project will only be funded if at least $7,500 is pledged by Tuesday Nov 6, 12:25am ES.

About Helen McKenzie-Ross

Welcome to my creative world. I have many passions; some of which I write about in my blog posts. I have a quirky sense of humour, and dance to the beat of my own drum. Thanks for dropping by and hope you visit again soon. I always have tea, coffee, wine and cake.
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